MAY 30, 2020
Department of Georgia hosted its first ever Digital Convention
MAY 30, 2020
Department of Georgia hosted its first ever Digital Convention
Henry Talmage "Hammerin' Hank" Elrod (September 27, 1905–December 23, 1941) was a US Marine Corps aviator. He was the first aviator to receive the Medal of Honor during World War II, for his heroism in the defense of Wake Island. READ MORE...
Auxiliary Unit 596
Chartered November 21, 2001
MAJ. Henry Talmage Elrod Memorial Chapter
596 - Savannah, GA
Chartered December 16, 1991
Chapter 596 was chartered in 1991by the Military Order of the Purple Heart. We have a proud tradition of helping all veterans. If you would like to find out how to get involved or join our chapter please contact one of the officers listed. Our meetings are open to all members. If you are a Purple Heart recipient and would like to come to a meeting to see what we are about please contact either of the officers listed.
Meeting Day & Time
1st Saturday of the Month
1:00 PM
Meeting Location
American Legion #184
1 Legion Drive
Thunderbolt, Georgia 31404